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Hey! I'm Victor Ikeme (alias Cloudikeme) - Welcome to My Kube!

Who am I?

Hey there! I'm Victor Ikeme, a Platform Engineer and Internal Developer Advocate from Nigeria, Africa. I am passionate about all things Platform Engineering, especially within the cloud-native ecosystem.

I specialize in building and sharing insights on Platform Engineering, Internal Developer Platforms (IDP), Kubernetes, Cloud-native (CNCF) technologies, and Open Source solutions. Furthermore, I'm passionate about modern infrastructure, containerization, and DevOps methodologies.

Online, I go by “cloudikeme”. You'll find me sharing insights, solving problems, and contributing to cloud-native and open source communities under this handle across various platforms.

I occasionally write about my insights, tutorials, travels and adventures in tech on my blog. Feel free to reach out to me via email on: [[email protected]].

What is Cloudikeme's Kube?

Cloudikeme's Kube started as my personal blog and has evolved into a comprehensive platform where I share my experiences, projects, and insights on all things platform engineering and cloud-native technologies.

It is hosted on Cloudflare, built using docs-as-code with Docusaurus, deployed on Azure Static Web Apps, and utilizes GitHub Actions for continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD).

Here, you'll find detailed tutorials, project showcases, and thought leadership articles on Platform Engineering, Kubernetes, IaC, microservices, and the latest trends in platform engineering.

What do I do?

I'm deeply involved in the cloud-native ecosystem, working on open source projects and sharing knowledge with the community. Some areas I focus on include:

  • Designing and building cloud-native Internal Developer Platforms (IDPs).
  • Designing and implementing Kubernetes-based solutions
  • Developing cloud-native applications and microservices
  • Automating infrastructure with tools like Terraform, Crossplane, Pulumi e.t.c
  • Implementing robust CI/CD pipelines and Workflows
  • Contributing to open source projects in the cloud-native & Kubernetes ecosystem

Some of my notable works include:

I'm also an active speaker at tech conferences and meetups, sharing my experiences and insights with the wider tech community.

Where has “Cloudikeme's” Kube been featured?